- ヘッドコーチ 政岡美里
- 年に1〜3回の大会完走を目指しています
- トライアスロン中級者〜上級者が在籍中です
- 男性アスリートが多めのチームです
- 主な参加大会:伊勢志摩、伊良湖、珠洲
- 非公開facebookグループサポート
- 年に1〜2回懇親会も行なっています
- Be the best you can be. (自己成長・自己実現を成し遂げる)
- Triathlon is a personal journey.(自己への気づきや学びを深める)
- My goal is to achieve your dream while having fun.(楽しむ気持ちを忘れない)
- Respect each other.(互いを尊重し切磋琢磨する)
●Mission Statement / My belief, and my experience, is that the pursuit of triathlon, or any sport for that matter, is a personal journey. My dream is to take a select few athletes and show them how they can take charge of their lives and , destiny, with discipline, dedication and determination. Triathlon is the avenue through which we do this, and the improvement in performance , the realization of your athletic dreams and the increase in self-esteem due to all of these things are the added benefits of this journey! I believe really testing your limits, often getting out of your comfort zone and constantly proving to yourself that you are tougher than you think. My goal is to have every athlete I coach, achieve their every dream while having fun , and learning about themselves, every single day. It’s not about winning and losing. The greatest reward is the self-satisfaction of pushing one’s limits, further and further into the unknown. Exploring what you are made of. It is personal journey to discover what you can achieve , what your limits are, and how to get around them. The pursuit of excellence, and your commitment to it, is what matters. My goal for every single athlete is for them to become the best they can be, through committed hard work, determination, and full belief in themselves, in me and in the team.